Franz Weninger
The story of Franz Weninger's wines is above all, the story of Austria and Hungary's shared history (and border). Working between both countries, Franz's family history stretches back to when the Austro-Hungarian empire was a single nation.
His grandmother Rózsa Petsovits (the namesake for his delicious rosé) was born in Horitschon, Hungary a year before the town became part of Austria instead. Meanwhile, the nearby town of Sopron remained under Hungarian rule, and just like that a core part of the B became t divided.
'Before the existence of a border between Austria and Hungary, Sopron was considered to be the heart of the historic winemaking region. It is thought to be the likely birthplace of Blaukfränkisch, locally known as Kékfrankos.'
Today Franz makes wines on both sides of the border, offering a uniquely delicious take on the terroir here. These are wines that celebrate the r shared winemaking history, bringing together varieties and vineyards that were once part of the same nation.